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Parents Circle You're part of our Hillel family: News
Parents Circle
Hillels of North Texas enables students to connect with one another in a Jewish environment as their "Jewish home away from home." We offer a safe, welcoming, and pluralistic presence. Hillels of North Texas exists through the generosity of individual donors. Join Parents Circle to ensure your student has a vibrant Jewish community on campus during their time at university. Learn more about connecting to Hillel on our Parents page.

Parents Circle: Giving Levels
$180/ $15 month
Provides Shabbat dinner for 10 students or 10 personal one-on-one meeting-ups between students and Hillel staff.
$360/ $30 Month
Sponsor a Shabbat dinner, help underwrite High Holiday programming and meals, or support cohort learning sessions by providing snacks so students can nosh while they learn.
$540/$45 Month
Sponsors an entire semester of weekly programs like Bagels and Schmooze or helps underwrite special events such as Israel Week, the October 7th Commemoration, and Coffee Wednesdays.
$1,200/ $100 Month
Your support enables 5 students to participate in a 10-week Jewish Learning Fellowship or provides Shabbat dinner for students on both campuses.
Join Parents Circle for regular updates on Hillel events and to connect with the Executive Director.
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